I can recall while on a long march during my army days, our sergeant extolling us to "step it up or you WILL be left behind." He was attempting to motivate us to work harder, push on and not to quit. Let me encourage you to continue on as we get the saving knowledge of Jesus out to a dying and lost world.
I receive many mailings, emails and info from mission boards and other sound Christian organizations. All tell a worthwhile story or of a need. However, I love to read about the victories we as Christians can claim.
For instance: Advancing Native Missions (ANM) reports that from 2016 to 2020, 103,000 Bibles were distributed in North Korea... yes, that North Korea. From Vietnam; 3 unique people groups are hearing the Gospel for the first time. From Mongolia: in 1994 there were fewer than 10 proclaiming Christians in the whole country, today in 2021, there are over 50,000 Christians.1 From far away Bangladesh, John Sircar writes that the government has shut down train service and long distance buses. Despite these inconveniences, John states they are still building a pastors house and witnessing. They have difficulties we in America can only imagine. Dr. Sircar says "The Lord is so good. He is taking care of us."2
Moving along… every place where TWR (Trans World Radio) shares the gospel there are people who have never heard it. As well as those who need to be discipled, which is of eternal importance. From Yemen (where Christian missionaries are few and far between). "I found an episode of your broadcast (TWR). So, would you tell me about this God you are talking about?"3 That was from a listener in Yemen. GBC supports Duane Gow (TWR) as well.
Taking a different tact here now. Closer to home: remember our VBS recently past? Well, that's a mission work right here in our backyard. The Burmese children ministry is another God honoring work that you don't have to travel too far to engage in.
Let us never forget why we are here. Our main purpose in life is to honor and worship our Lord Jesus Christ. Be not afraid, though our time to witness will one day be past. "The Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6. Nothing else needs to be said… lean on God's promise and step it up. Time is moving on rapidly. All Glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ!!!
Mission Fact: As Josh and Allie Miller get set to head to Peru this December, the population there will have grown by 2,500 people... .per week.3 It is a rapidly growing field needless to say. The Miller's are expecting child number 3 in August so please pray for a safe delivery and that they're plans for departure go on unabated.
Advancing Native Missions: Spring 2021 Impact Report. page 6 and 7
Prayer letter: June 2021. Dr. John Sircar
TWR; spring info card. 2021
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