In honor of heading back to school we will now have a pop geography quiz.
First question: What is the capital of Romania?
Second question: What famous mythical character called Romania home?
How many of you reading this wish they got in on the ground level of buying stock in Apple? or Google? or Facebook? Would have been a pretty good return for your initial investment. Opportunities in front of you, not acted on, are opportunities lost. The world of missions has opportunity; we need to move on them or they will pass us by.
Often we think of missions being "out there somewhere". Well, GBC has several members of our church "out there". Chris and Faith Anderson are working hard at this very moment in Mangalia, southeastern Romania. It is located on the Black Sea thus a bit of a mecca for vacationers.
Modern Romania is only about 160 years old in the sense of the term yet is quite diverse. Physically it is ⅓ mountainous; ⅓ forested and ⅓ city-town and farms. Most of the population is ethnic Romanians with the main religion being Romanian Orthodoxy.
On the world history scene, Romania was liberated from Nazi Germany in 1944 and became a satellite of the Soviet Union in 1948. However, with the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1989, we now see Romania in NATO '04 and in the EU '07. Big changes for them as the opportunity to spread the Gospel opened up.
Chris and Faith have an ongoing church ministry in Mangalia as well as a coffee shop ministry. This summer has them (and their family of 7 children) keeping quite busy with Faith leading a girl's Bible study. As well, they lead a Bible study in a nearby village… church on Sunday's… as well as keeping up with a busy, busy home life.
Understandably, much goes on at their home. They even have a youth group meet at their home. Needs are there as an opportunity arose in the recent past for them to obtain a ministry house. Now this house would be multi-functional thus a real boost to their ministry. The GBC staff is planning a fundraiser in mid-October on a Saturday to help the Anderson's raise the ministry house funds needed. Please pray about helping that day or at least attending and having some fun… and good food… .with us. More to follow on this soon!! Look for it!
So you see… opportunities do come along knocking on your door. We as a church body recently sang the hymn "Build My Life" on a Sunday morning. In part, the lyrics spoke out saying… "Lead me to those around me". Maybe we can't go to Mangalia, Romania today but we can help our brothers and sisters there by praying, coming out in October to the fundraiser and never stopping giving our Lord and Savior all the Glory!!
Mission Fact: The population of Romania has steadily declined in the last several years. This is partly due to a declining birth rate but migration to western countries is the primary reason. This is a trend being seen in many former Soviet Bloc countries.
Answers to the quiz:
Count Dracula of Transylvania
All Romanian facts, figures and information is credited to Wikipedia and Britannica: Romania Facts. 2020.
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