Wednesday, December 26, 2018

One More Time

A Zen Master once wrote... "the trouble is you think you have time." We all do that. How many had that very thought while prepping for Christmas? July 4th was just here last week... right? 

So, it’s almost time for your annual New Year's resolution. Or, will they be, "New Year's revolutions"? A revolution changes things; hopefully for the better. Let's resolve to "revolt" against any thoughts, actions or lusts that keep us from working in our God directed missions field. Pray first for God to show you (us), what we can and should do. Then... jump in.

Think on this. What if there were no missionaries at all to "closed countries?" Now, a closed country is one that openly opposes missionaries, foreign or domestic, from spreading the word of God. Often, these brave brothers and sisters in Christ risk prison and death by doing what God has assigned them. So, how can we find it difficult to serve and witness here in the USA while some risk their very lives daily? 

Back to the New Year's thoughts... let's usher in 2019 with some good reports: Samaritan Purse (the driving force behind Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes) reports from Mongolia. A man Sam P. aided years ago with medical help has now "helped lead 100 youth into a saving relationship with Jesus."1 As well; ABWE reports over $2 million came in for a Christian Hospital in Hindu/Muslim heavy Bangladesh. As you can see, opportunities are out there. 

Read Paul's missionary journeys in Acts 8, et al. It's a story of great risks and trials. Sounds like our lives up to a point. Paul persevered and prevailed, thus turning the then known word upside down. Let's make 2019 our turn to cause a spiritual revolution for the glory of God! Now that’s a New Years resolution we can eternally live with! Time is short and there is work to be done. Pause today and lift up praises to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then humbly get back at it.

1. Samaritans Purse newsletter: Fall 2018

Mission Fact: While many countries and people groups resist evangelistic efforts, almost one half of the world population live in acknowledged closed countries. That is over 2.9 billion souls. Remember our fellow believers that reside in these tough situations.   

- Bob I.  //  Missions Director