Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Your Mission

What's up with this weather of ours? One day last week it was 95 degrees... the very next day it was 68 degrees. That is how life is in general sometimes. One minute we can be on course and happy and next we are fighting for our figurative lives. So, lets always remember who is our guide, mentor and everlasting rock. That is Jesus Christ, as we all well know; so give Him the glory and get into the game.

Hey, speaking of games, it's almost football time and my beloved Eagles are heading off to training camp. Are you still in training camp? God has a purpose for each of us whether here or in Jamaica or in China. We can stay behind closed "safe doors" and never venture out to witness, help at VBS, or invite someone to church. With that approach, you will never get off the bench and be productive. However... there is an opportunity knocking on our doors right now for each and every one and that's the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, via Samaritans purse.

Not only do toys, socks and small precious items go around the world, but Samaritan's purse promotes "The Greatest Journey". This is an evangelistic effort that has resulted in over 650,000 children being saved in 10 years! Each child who undertakes this journey receives a Bible in their native language. Churches are being planted where only a few years ago “Jesus” wasn't even heard of. Remember Matthew 28:19 "…Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...”

Now for a quick update from the mission field:   
1- Ed & Annita Hoagland in Mexico; just having completed VBS/Summer Camp number 4. They report a heavy workload and fatigue taking its toll, however, camp 4 is about to be concluded as I write this. Pray for strength and sound decision making. So far almost 650 children have been saved.
2- Paul and Marla Fields (formerly in Paraguay) are settling in well in South Carolina as they mentor new missionaries for foreign fields. 
3- GBC Jamaican missions team is sandals on the ground as you read this. Pray for open, receptive hearts and safety for a fruitful mission. They will be back Saturday August 3rd. 

As always, it’s a long, hot summer. Don't let temporal things trip you up. Set your goal higher and remember; Horizon's are NOT boundaries. To God be the glory!! 

  Bob Idacavage, Missions Director

Monday, July 1, 2019

Go... It's Time

Well, we survived… VBS that is, If you say you weren’t tired last week and you were there… maybe you weren’t  “there”.  It was tough nonstop action. But, there are 31 souls entering into Jesus presence when they leave this life. Makes it all worth the effort, doesn’t it?  

Okay then… the next order of events is almost here. That being the Jamaica Missions Trip. It’s only 5 weeks away, so let’s not rest on our laurels from VBS. We need to see the work that lies ahead for all of us.

There are 14 adults/youth going to Montego Bay, Jamaica from July 27th to August 3rd. They will be working with Pastor Andrew Pryce and his wife Tanesha. As well, they will work closely with Cletis and Tammy Titus, missionaries to Jamaica for years.  The team’s ministry includes a soccer camp for youth, visiting an orphanage as well as a health clinic.  It is always a jam packed week.

So, what can we do to help? First, pray. See me or Pastor Jason Wilson as to who is going and then partner with one of them and fervently, earnestly pray for/with them.  Encourage them. Sure, it’s nice and sunny there but sin is thick in Jamaica and this brings an element of danger. Let’s remember… “Fear thou not: for I am with thee; be not dismayed, FOR I AM THY GOD.”  Isaiah 41:10

Something we all need to take to heart and never forget is the fact these 14 people are working “a higher calling”.  They represent us but more importantly they go presenting our risen, loving Savior to a dying world. There is no greater mission one can undertake. 

VBS saw our church rise up and work hard. Time for us to rise up again and send our mission team out to a lost world. For soon we will be standing before our God. Lets get to work while we are still able to.  To God be the glory!  

                                                                                                                           Bob Idacavage, Missions Director

Monday, June 3, 2019

This One Thing I Do

This is the time of year for special events. Graduations, weddings and vacations are certainly on the list. As well... last week was Memorial Day. All the aforementioned events are nice but let us never forget why we serve the Risen Savior. Remember always the sacrifice of Jesus for all of us; for without Him and His love for us... well, it’s not a pleasant thought.
       I'm sure many of you have watched the movie, "Saving Private Ryan". The opening 30 minutes will forever dispel any grandiose thoughts that war is fun, glorious or clean. A lesson learned from "SPR", among others, is that to be successful, a blessing to others and to fulfill God's mission for us, we need to persevere. That means through the tough times. We may take casualties and be wounded. Probably be outnumbered, but I ask... Who do you serve? Our personal strength will not get us through in and of itself. As a team we must work onward with Jesus leading.
  So here are a few updates from the mission teams GBC help support:
1-Central Missionary Clearinghouse: This is the board for Josh Florence, Papua New Guinea. Seems they have outgrown their offices and seek prayer for growth decisions that need to be made.
2-Speaking of Josh Florence... Josh and family hope to return to New Guinea this fall when their furlough ends.
3-Trans World Radio: Africa--plans are in the works for launching the  "Oasis Transmitter" project. Based in West Africa, these broadcasts will be able to reach Nigeria and several other neighbor countries. Here is potential to reach about 190 million more souls.
4-Dan and Kristy Elmer in South Africa will also be heading back to their appointed field in June.
5-Louise Champlin in Surinam continues on. You may remember she has been in South America for well over 50 years now.
6-Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) -their annual report states that 198,000 people were reached via events here and abroad. As well, the Athletes Bible has been translated into 7 different languages now. GBC supports FCA missionary Eddie Miller here in NC.
          As we honor and remember our fallen heroes today, let us also remember all of these hard working men and women as their mission is critical. We at GBC have the same mission. Let us never alter our path. For every Christian needs to be molded in the cause of missions and ready to reach out to this dying world with the Gospel. Time is rapidly ticking away. So let us humbly remember our fallen, encourage the one's still in the fight and never stop giving God all the Glory!! 

                                                                                                                           Bob Idacavage, Missions Director

Monday, April 29, 2019

New Time

With winter in the rear view mirror now, many of us are getting outside. It's garden time, walks in the park and cutting grass. It is also baseball season. Many of us have played the game on school teams, little league or just on the sand lot. Wherever your diamond was located; all have one thing in common...only way you can get a hit is to swing at the ball. This is the same as when we chose to follow Christ.

One has to get in the "game", so participate and make an effort to spread the gospel. Need a reason to get on the field? I suggest calling on the memory of our Good Friday service and / or the Easter Sunday service. What an uplifting time of praise and worship! We need to get involved with our God's calling for His mission field for ALL of us. 

There are countless ways to get on the field and take part. Pray, first of all, for our Jamaican team in July/August. We have several field missionaries from GBC (Lee Nall, Nancy Myer, and Chris Anderson in Romania). You can call or write them with encouragement. 

As well, how about choosing a particular missionary or region of the world? GBC has well over 60 field missionaries in almost every corner of the world. Please see me for contact information if their individual situation will allow.

But you say... "I can’t hit...or throw... or even run..." interpret this as;  "I can't do anything well for God... I am too old or too young... I am physically unable". Be willing and God will guide. For we see a God who uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways: and He will use us long as we make ourselves available.

It's a long season (life) but the innings are drawing down (Jesus soon returns). Soon it will be over. Let God show you on to the playing field before the final out. Joshua 1:9,...  "Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest". Yes! to God be the glory!

                                                                                                                     Bob Idacavage, Missions Director