Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Our Mission is....

Each month, I usually try to give a brief update on our GBC mission families and their ministries. However, this time I am going to focus mainly on one country and the missionary we support, <Names Redacted for Security> in Pakistan.

Pakistan, a country that straddles the modern age and a time 200 years ago, is almost the last frontier of travel. Fascinating tribal culture, forts from by-gone days and stunning Himalayan mountain vistas are to be found. As well, with thanks to instability and insurgency, there is an ever present air of danger present.

With only 3% of the total population (233.5 million) being non-muslim and then only 1% of that total being Christian, you get the idea of how tough it is living, witnessing and just surviving daily life in Pakistan.1

This past August 16, in a nearby town, a Muslim man announced that local Christians had desecrated the Quran. What followed was a horrific time of attacks, beatings, and home burning/looting. Only after Pakistani army rangers were able to arrive did the violence stop.

As these Christians lost everything, there is an urgent need to help and provide them with food and hygiene items. Brother <Names Redacted for Security> is not calling for vengeance or justice on the attackers but is asking for prayers for them and safety for the entire area.

Please contact me for how you can help.

Moving along… The report out of Mexico City from Ed Hoagland (GBC supported) is that their summer crusades saw around 675 people saved. They are currently doing the follow up… getting the saved as well as the unsaved to their services. As well, August 26 saw 18 churches working to fill an auditorium of 5,000 with many there being unsaved. GBC had an impact on these works as the monies raised during our VBS was sent to Ed and the ministries there! Pray for our God to be honored and many will see the true need for our Savior.

Ed's prayer request reminds me of Proverbs 29:18… "Without a vision, the people perish." Make Jesus your vision, your focus, your intent. For when we are faithful, He is glorified!

So GBC family, look around you today and know that time is rapidly drawing to a close. As it's not only the big things God uses, let us look for small daily opportunities to glorify Jesus as there is nothing too small, too difficult, or too mundane to our Lord and Savior! Humbly, all glory and honor to Jesus!

Mission Fact: We all know about Hudson Taylor, founder of the China In Land Mission, but do you know Charles Thomas Studd, or "CT" as he was known by? His father became a believer during a Moody/Sankey crusade in England around 1870-1875. CT accepted Christ while his family was hosting a visiting preacher. Later, CT would travel to China with Hudson Taylor, India and eventually the Congo starting God honoring ministries. He would later state… "What is all the fame and flattery worth… when a man comes to face eternity?"2 Think on that. Let it temper our mission while there is still time.

1August, 2023 prayer letter: David Ibrahim, Village to Village Ministries

2Wikipedia. Biography and Life of Charles Thomas Studd     

  • Bob Idacavage, Missions Director


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