Tuesday, September 6, 2022

La Vie Dansante

There is a plaque in my kitchen that states "Dance like noone is watching." Now exchange dance with the word "live" and you have a mantra to go by. As you probably know, we are in a tech filled society so deep that we often lose the personal contact with others. Facts, figures and pictures zoom around the globe in seconds yet we can't seem to witness, to the next door neighbor.

Tech is not intrinsically bad but the tech can lend itself to the habit of laziness. That is, being lazy talking to people one on one, face to face and heart to heart. It has become easier to Facebook something than to knock on a door and hand them a tract. Please understand that I am not against social media platforms. I am saying that we need to use all methods necessary to deliver the Gospel to a dying world! What other methods? Like praying without ceasing. Ask any of our missionaries what they covet most and they will say prayer; not a new smartphone, though they may use one.

Now some of our missionaries more recent updates and success stories: Dr. John Sircar in Islam-heavy Bangladesh reports their Bible College thrives as well as the 20 orphans they shelter and feed. Speaking of Bible Colleges… I hope you had the chance and pleasure to have heard Josh Florence in Papua New Guinea speak recently. They are in the process of building a Bible College and it is progressing well. He and family are presently on furlough in the USA.

Ed and Anita Hoagland in Mexico gave a glowing report of their recently concluded summer camp program. They report 958 campers claiming salvation and over 375 baptisms through 5 camp events! So you see, people are coming to our Lord and we have a hand in it as we pray and give. Remember why we keep going on. "...who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." 

1 Timothy 2:4

Quick final note: Chestley Howell in Colombia, South America is to be married soon. Pray for them as they plan and continue to minister and work on a church plant in Bello, Colombia.

Warren Wiersbe wrote: “Unbelief says, ‘let's go back to where it's safe,’ but faith says ‘Let's go forward to where God is working.’1 That's the best way for us to be for our Lord. So let us continue to move forward in whatever manner God has for you; whatever tech device/platform you choose. Time is short… "And behold I come quickly." Rev 22:12. To God be the glory!

Mission Fact: This brief article mentions 4 countries where we support missionaries. The total population of those 4 countries are 355 million souls2. Yes, the work is great and the reward greater.

1Jordan River Rules.   Robert J Morgan.  pg 52

2Wikipedia World Demographics   2022 

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