Monday, November 1, 2021


Our life can be so hectic. It will be Christmas as soon as you finish reading this brief article… well, almost. Yet we have the same amount of hours and minutes each day as there has been since Adam and Eve. So let's reshuffle our priorities and make every minute count.

Busy we are, here at GBC. Our church family here and abroad have been seeing fantastic things getting done for Christ. Such as.....

  1. October 16 saw our fundraiser for Chris and Faith Anderson (Romania).This will be an ongoing project through February 2022 as we help raise funds for them to purchase a ministry house in Mangalia, Romania.

  2. K.W. to Israel reports a 98 year old woman receiving Christ as her Messiah! It is never too late!

  3. World Vision (GBC supported) responded to emergencies other than the pandemic in 48 countries. That is over 27 million people assisted.

    Let us lift up our missionaries, their Mission boards and ourselves for opportunities to serve… "watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints." Ephesians 6:18
    Now another foreign work we support…

  4. Josh Florence and family in Papua, New Guinea reports having several specific needs met by their supporting churches. Nothing is impossible for our God! Josh also tells about 4 believers baptized… it was their first baptism at the new church.

So you see; God is ever working, ever present and so ever loving to us. Thus remain committed and remain focused.    

I mentioned earlier how quickly Christmas was approaching. Don't wait till the last moment to shop… don't wait till the last moment to get working for Jesus with whatever He has put to you to do. For He is coming back. That is a fact: not an opinion.

Note: We are about a month out from the Kentucky trip via Covenant International. Please clean out those closets and get usable, clean clothing and housewares to the church. More on this coming by way of announcements.

Did you notice the title of this Missions Minute? It is an African word from a village in Namibia. It means "Get a life". The only life really worth getting is one with Jesus. To God be the Glory!!

Mission Fact: William Carey (1761-1834) is known as the father of modern missions. A skilled linguist, writer and printer, Carey was a self motivated learner who taught himself Latin, Hebrew, and Greek. He influenced many to go to the mission fields… especially India. A true hero of the faith, William Carey translated numerous languages into the native tongue.            

What Christians Want to Know: 10 Famous Missionaries 

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