Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Your Mission

What's up with this weather of ours? One day last week it was 95 degrees... the very next day it was 68 degrees. That is how life is in general sometimes. One minute we can be on course and happy and next we are fighting for our figurative lives. So, lets always remember who is our guide, mentor and everlasting rock. That is Jesus Christ, as we all well know; so give Him the glory and get into the game.

Hey, speaking of games, it's almost football time and my beloved Eagles are heading off to training camp. Are you still in training camp? God has a purpose for each of us whether here or in Jamaica or in China. We can stay behind closed "safe doors" and never venture out to witness, help at VBS, or invite someone to church. With that approach, you will never get off the bench and be productive. However... there is an opportunity knocking on our doors right now for each and every one and that's the Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes, via Samaritans purse.

Not only do toys, socks and small precious items go around the world, but Samaritan's purse promotes "The Greatest Journey". This is an evangelistic effort that has resulted in over 650,000 children being saved in 10 years! Each child who undertakes this journey receives a Bible in their native language. Churches are being planted where only a few years ago “Jesus” wasn't even heard of. Remember Matthew 28:19 "…Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...”

Now for a quick update from the mission field:   
1- Ed & Annita Hoagland in Mexico; just having completed VBS/Summer Camp number 4. They report a heavy workload and fatigue taking its toll, however, camp 4 is about to be concluded as I write this. Pray for strength and sound decision making. So far almost 650 children have been saved.
2- Paul and Marla Fields (formerly in Paraguay) are settling in well in South Carolina as they mentor new missionaries for foreign fields. 
3- GBC Jamaican missions team is sandals on the ground as you read this. Pray for open, receptive hearts and safety for a fruitful mission. They will be back Saturday August 3rd. 

As always, it’s a long, hot summer. Don't let temporal things trip you up. Set your goal higher and remember; Horizon's are NOT boundaries. To God be the glory!! 

  Bob Idacavage, Missions Director

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