Here I am sitting at home anticipating warmer weather (it's Christmas morning with temperatures around mid 20's). We as a people take luxuries as a right sometimes. For this cold attack has frozen my water pipes so now I am praying for a heat wave to thaw them out. As I think on my"problem", I am reminded of the late David and Elwanda Fields who for decades worked among African peoples in Kenya, East Africa. Their ministry goes on with pastors they trained thus ministering daily… all during a drought in East Africa going on over 4 years. And I growl about a few hours with frozen pipes?
That glimpse at the work in Kenya is just one of many ministries GBC supports worldwide. With New Years now upon us, let us take a moment to look at, remember and pray for all of our mission family.
Chestley Howell in Columbia, South America: He has been busy to say the least. On a recent survey trip to western Columbia, Chestley and his entourage looked for locations to start churches, worked on the actual cost of building a church and went down river to see if they could have a mission extension down stream. But the high mark was the 5 youth who were saved at a camp he was working at. The 5 were there directly due to Chestley teaching them in an English class.
Bret and Faith Anderson doing work in Santander, Spain: From language school to daily meetings with local folk, Bret tells of countless opportunities to witness to neighbors and friends. Not all contacts he, or we for that matter, that are made are done in church or a church function. Don't let opportunity to help and witness to someone pass you by.
Bibles International is a part of Baptist Mid-Missions of Cleveland, Ohio. Jim and Jenna Wright are just one family working diligently to get all languages into a translated Bible. To date, there are 46 completed projects (read: completed translations) with another 46 in the works. This has impacted 16 countries and over 135 million people.1 Remember, there are slightly over 8 billion people in today's world with 1,700 languages.
Only 636 have a completed Bible in their native language.
Freedom House in Greensboro will be opening its third thrift store very soon. It will be located on Battleground Ave. All monies raised go to helping women and children from abused situations. They also assist opioid addicted individuals.
Obedience to God's Word is always the right thing to do no matter what is asked of us. So continue to work hard. Remember, God may be teaching you to step out in faith. For God uses ordinary people such as Gideon (see Judges 6) to fulfill large tasks. Whether it be near or far, the battle is the Lord's. Don't try to carry it yourself, but do give God all the glory!!
Mission Fact: GBC supports the Winston-Salem Rescue Mission. Calendar year 2022 saw them supply over 50,000 meals as well as 20,000 nights of safe shelter.2 Let us continue to keep our eye on Jesus and work while there is still time.
1BMM:Bibles International newsletter 2022
2WS Rescue Mission. prayer letter/statement December,2022
Bob Idacavage, Missions Director