Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Even So....

 Let me ask you this: What, if anything, can you change for lasting good? I'm not talking about temporal, momentary changes. Rather the things that matter for all eternity. As carnal, weak and short sighted beings we often only see no further than our immediate front. Time to expand, No?


Memorial Day is upon us. A solemn day of remembrance, thankfulness and reflection on the sacrifices of others which allows us to gather and worship. Take it to an even higher plane and let us honor and remember our front line mission workers.


GBC helps support over 60 field missionaries, active and retired, from Alaska to Zambia, Africa. They have the same trials, COVID issues, back aches and budget problems we all have. As well as other problems we will never see or fully understand.


There is a need for security in our lives, as well, an inherent need for encouragement. This Missions Minute is an intro to just that. Let us as a church body rise up and encourage our 60 plus missionaries and ministries who we call our "mission family". All it takes is a willingness to contact 1, 2, or more missionaries and initiate a dialogue. See what they go through, what are their specific concerns and obstacles and how can we at GBC pray for them. Remember my initial question to you? What can we do and promote for lasting change? This is something we all can do. Let us be a praying church body that uplifts and remembers these hard working people who strive to spread the Gospel. More to come.


Time to be more specific. I mentioned GBC supports individuals and families of missionaries all over the world. Ten of these missions are in Central, South America as well as the Caribbean region. Should I give you a pop quiz and asked..."What is the capital of Surinam?" (hint: It's not $42.00) Would you know? or "what is Peru known for?" Not trying to confuse, boggle or perplex anyone here. Just want to make the point that we support families in Surinam and Peru and that 25% of our church budget goes to missions. Shouldn't we be aware of where it is going? All this centers around effective and timely communication. Again, this leads back to my request to the church body to help contact the missionaries we support.


As we remember our service members who sacrificed themselves for our benefit; let us remember all of our missionaries, mission boards, and ministries home and abroad. For we are all in it for life. Always, always, all glory and honor to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!!!


Mission Fact: Almost half a billion people live in South and Central America and more than 600 million live in Latin America (Mexico and Caribbean)1 The 10 missionaries we support have their work cut out for them. Pray! For with God nothing is impossible.


1JakubMarian.com. Population Density/Source World Bank

Bob Idacavage, 

Missions Director