Well, it's officially autumn and that brings with it a very busy schedule. Such as my beloved Philadelphia Eagles taking on the rest of the NFL, raking tons of leaves and on the horizon Christmas. So much will be happening that Christmas planning is not a priority just yet, but our mission fundraiser October 16 is! Please pray you can help… help is always good… and come out to support our missionaries to Romania, Chris and Faith Anderson.
Yes, we are busy and our schedule is getting more crowded. Yet think about our missionaries and their hard working mission boards. For instance:
Scripture Memory Mountain Mission (Camp Nathanael) in Kentucky saw 20 individuals saved this past summer. Now they follow up, disciple and encourage.
Dexter Kirby on St Vincent Island (Grenadines) had their world rocked with a volcano eruption/disruption of daily life in April. Many people there lost their homes, livestock and hope. He writes that the ministry goes on and that people are being helped via the church he pastors.
Andrew Garcia (Honduras bound) continues to raise support as they were recently blessed with 6 more supporting churches.
Family to the Pamiri people group; The husband has had a difficult time this summer as while on furlough, his youngest brother drowned in a tragic accident. This set him back but today he and family are back in mountainous Central Asia. Pray for this family as the God of the universe strengthens them daily.
ABWE mission board (of which GBC supports several missionaries) reports 82 new missionaries left for the field between late 2020 and now. Pray for a rich harvest from their respective fields of work. Recall that there are 2.9 billion people who have never heard the gospel!1
Think on this… Brazil 2010; a man named Jenuan is exposed to something contagious. Today he has "infected" at least 32 people who are spreading it on 4 continents. It's not a disease but the cure! For Jenuan was introduced to Jesus! He went on to start a Brazilian run and supported mission board and today has 32 missionaries in 12 countries.2 Let us always remember that the mission field is right outside our doors as well as in Brazil, Romania, and every place in between.
So "O thou that hearest prayers, unto thee all flesh comes" Psalm 65:2 KJV. Never lose faith in the God who hears our prayers...". Let everything that has breath praise the Lord"! Psalm 105:6
Mission Fact: Per mission board Advancing Native Missions, there are 4,100 people groups in South Asia. By their statistics, 3,682 of that number are still considered unreached. Obstacles include but are not limited to, many languages as well as cultural practices, political systems and poverty. Remember… nothing is impossible for our God!!3
1: ABWE Annual Report 2020. page 3
2: ABWE year 2015. Fact Sheet page 30 Issue 4
3: ANM Official Guide, 2021