Ever been told that you are "living in past?" That's not a bad place to be unless you adamantly refuse to ever enter the present. As we remembered the Memorial Day weekend last month let us take a moment to contemplate how and why we are here.
The "how" is sobering and often a somber thought. We take a minute to thank our veterans, thank our Lord and Savior for the one's who died for our freedoms and thank our Heavenly Father for the mission we are on. We express gratitude.
The "why" is also right before us. For our mission of reaching the lost is not yet complete. We must drive on. No one said it would be easy... it's a lifetime of toil and sweat but the rewards are eternal. Let us never look back too very long as it is quite difficult to go forward using only the rear view mirror.
Ecclesiastes12:13b "Fear God and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man". There we have our marching orders. The word of God is clear so let's look at a quick update on some of our "troops "in the field.
1. (Name Removed) in Israel wrote in March about heading to the town of Hebron to visit a Muslim family. Fairly routine event for someone living in Israel. However, since she last wrote Israel has been involved in a shooting war with the terrorist group Hamas. This is not a fairly routine event.
2. Josh Miller/family are heading to Peru this fall. They are the most recent addition to our mission family.
3. Chris and Faith Anderson in Romania reported in April of their intention to continue on with the purchase of the house they are in. This greatly aids the ministry effort. A sizable payment was due and the Lord saw fit to provide. Pray for the political and social atmosphere in Romania as events unfold.
4. (Name Removed) to the mountain people of inland Asia. Visas were finally issued and as of this writing they are still on track to head back to Asia. Covid continues to slow their departure somewhat as testing and vaccinations must be in order.
5. The volcano that erupted on St. Vincent (Grenadines) altered the ministry of Dexter Kirby but it did not end the on going work. The radio ministry and Bible College work continues.
The late Dr. Jerry Falwell once said..."Nothing of eternal value is ever accomplished apart from prayer."1 So true. Let us never slack off from this duty and may we never forget the sacrifices our honorable war dead made. For this allows us to continue on our appointed mission.
We certainly live in some wild and often crazy times. This too will pass. However… the love and mercy Jesus rains does on us never will pass! To God be the Glory!!
Mission Fact: We live in tech filled world of over 8 billion people. Trans World Radio (Guam) has the capacity to reach almost half of those people... that's over 3 billion people. All of China, Micronesia, Malaysia and 2/3 of India are able to tune to the Good News of Salvation.... in their native language!2
1-World Vision; spring 2021
2-TWR.org May 2021. page 5 of newsletter