Recently I attended a funeral of a dear Christian lady. She died before her time so the funeral was a whirlwind setup, emotional and somber. Despite being a Christian of good example, it was a wakeup call to me, as none of us really knows what the next hour holds; thus the title of this Missions Minute, "Mourning Time".
You may recall me stating that we need to get out of our comfort zone and witness. For our individual mission field is right outside our doors and includes everyone... every country. Lynne lived her life that way and I am grateful for the time I knew her.
We are all aware that our missionaries face the same COVID trials, financial hurdles, and crazy weather patterns we do. However, are any of you waiting for a foreign government to allow you to return to your field of work? The S. family to Israel and KR to South Korea are waiting for just that. There are several others as well. Their visa applications are pending but progress has been made in both cases.
Any of you ever experience an active volcano? Dexter Kirby and family on St. Vincent and the Grenadine Islands, is doing just that as of this writing. Dexter continues to minister to the people and has opened the doors of the Bible school there to shelter displaced locals. Our job is to declare, talk about, and share all about Christ. We have the fantastic privilege of talking about our eternal Christ, what He did for all mankind, and what He did for us personally. Look for those opportunities to be a missionary right here.
Independent Faith Mission (IFM) has on their mission newsletter these words, "Standing Firm in Troubled Times". Their troubles are our troubles... all of which Christ says to bring to Him. Through Jesus we can stand firm! Pray for Dexter, the S. and K.R. families, and remember that our "mourning time" will soon turn to Morning Time, as Jesus returns! To God be the Glory!!
Mission Fact: Over 100 people died in the minute or so it took you to read this brief article. Death is inevitable but where the soul spends eternity can be changed. We have work to do.
Bob I. - Missions Director