It is absolutely wonderful to be writing the first Mission Minute in awhile. Not like nothing has happened since I last wrote in March.
For the world as we used to know it has totally changed. We now have a new president elect, new football season with empty stands and we all have color-coordinated facemasks. Many other changes abound.
Despite all this, our Sovereign Lord and Savior is, and always has been, in control. He has not been surprised by any of the "trials and inconvenience" we live with now. That said; should we put personal evangelism/missions work on hold? NO WAY!! This upside-down world needs Jesus now more than ever before. "Many Bengali people around the world are interested in the Gospel because of the virus." Quote is from John Sircar in Bangladesh, a mostly Hindu country. As I read through the many missionary newsletters, I have not seen a single complaint about their plight, not one disparaging word about quitting. All have asked for increased prayer and more opportunities to evangelize!
This Missions Minute stands as a re-opening of our hearts to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For sure: our missionaries need financial support and our spirit one with theirs. But especially they covet and need our prayers. We cannot let them down.
Much has occurred in the last 9 months. Coming up within the next month, the Staff and Deacons will be recommending that we take on 3 new missionary families and 1 new Mission Board. More to come on their individual field of calling as the information becomes available. They range from Honduras in Central America to the Dominican Republic to South Africa... and Boone, NC as well.
I encourage you not to let up in your prayers for them. All of the obstacles we have had with Covid, so have they, often magnified due to being in a different country and culture. For example: a couple of our missionaries have had trouble renewing their visa’s. Covid adds another factor/obstacle to hurdle as Europe and the Mediterranean region has strict travel restrictions in place. Missionary Bret Anderson and his family to Tanzania is now missionary Bret Anderson and family to Spain. Again, I will update you as information comes in.
Yet, it is not all obstacles and detours. Ed Hoagland in Mexico reported at least 30 saved via their ministries in November alone. God is still at work; so should we. I encourage you to soldier on for time is rapidly passing... Jesus is coming soon! Till then, keep looking up but wear your mask!
Mission Fact: Although the global church of God continues to grow despite severe persecution in some restricted countries, there are millions without access to the Gospel. There are upwards of 3 billion people who have never been reached with the Gospel. Today, there are 106 ABWE missionaries serving in 18 high risk countries.1
Work now as one day it will be high risk to be a Christian... everywhere.
1Message: Info magazine of Association of Baptists for World Evangelism
Bob Idacavage, Missions Director